Kelly "Scott" Sims

The Moose



The first, and most important, thing you need to know about me is I'm a self-made "doer". You're currently exploring the digital embodiment of that. I wanted to build a portfolio site from scratch, so I taught myself how, and I did it.

My name is Scott Sims, my good friends call me Moose, and I'm a former Petroleum Engineer who found a second calling from data, in data. After working as a petroleum engineer for the better part of a decade, I went back to school and ultimately became Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer. My work as such, was published in a major engineering journal, and I got to be a presenter at Nvidia's GTC conference for my work in Deep Learning!

I then found my third calling as a Software Engineer. While working as a DS/ML, I found myself wearing multiple hats as a cloud architect, DBA, and overall general programmer, I found I had a passion for designing and building things from Scratch. And that's what I get to do now as a Senior Software Engineer at Google!

Software Engineering - This is what I do. 3D Printing, Travelling, Woodworking, Gaming - Those are my hobbies. Perpetual learner - That is who I am.

I originally started programming in C++, I have since been programming in Python for almost 8 years. I currently use C++, Java, and Kotlin in my day to day works. However, Golang is my absolute favorite language. I find its first class concurrency patterns more appealing for ETL programs than Python. It's also super easy to get servers up and running.

In my spare time I like improving my wood working skills, teaching myself CAD for my own 3D printing designs, as well as finding cool uses for the 20 raspberry pi's I have laying around. Travelling is also a huge passion of mine. I have explored almost every country in western and eastern Europe. I have been to all 50 states, and I got married in the Maldives.

As of today, this site is still under construction and doesn't have nearly the features I'm going to fully implement. But take a look around, get to know me, and if interested, download my resume and contact me.

My Experience

My Skills

My Projects & Posts

My Travels


Projects and Posts

View some papers I have written for various projects HERE






What I Have Done

Download Resume

Senior Software Engineer (Google Meet) - Atlanta, Georgia

If you had told me even one year prior to me sitting for the Google interviews, that I'd be working at Google, they'd admit me for how hard I'd be laughing. But I'm here! And I've done some awesome things. I'm a Senior engineer for Google Meet, and I work on providing and optimizing real time media and data transmissions. The first feature I ever worked on I was tasked with coming up with a distributed algorithm to maintain state synchronization across thousands of devices all over the world. What!? This is seriously the first task they're giving me?! That was my first thoughts. But man was it fun. I've since created Smart TV applications, mDNS services and protocols, APIs and client reference implementations, simulation environments, and even some things I can't mention because, at time of writing, they haven't been publicly announced yet. Working on cool stuff isn't the only thing I do at Google. I'm also the Noogler program manager for the entire Atlanta office. I plan events and create connected spaces to welcome and assimilate new Googlers into the Google universe. I'm also a mentor for junior engineers.

2021 - present

Staff Data Scientist - Houston, Texas

After years of online courses, Data Science Bootcamps, and one Masters of Science from THE Georgia Tech, I finally succeeded in getting the job I set my sights on. Everyday I was learning and ameliorating my skills. I was priviliged enough to be published for my work. I created an entire suite of analytics that optimized drilling efficiences. I was also fortunate enough to partner with Nvidia on a project. Using their DGX clusters, I used DL techniques to solve domain specific problems with optimized embeddings. I even was invited to be a presenter at their GTC conference for my work.

2018 - 2021

R&D SME / Product Owner - Celle, Niedersachsen Germany

I was fortunate enough to be selected for a 1.5 year contract with my company to work in R&D at our facility in Germany. This opportunity not only allowed me to learn German, as well as travel to dozens of countries, but it gave me great insight and experience in product development life cycle at a global sclae. In this role, I wore several hats from subject matter expert and product owner to prototype tester and commercialization engineer. I took away more experience in 1.5 years from this international position than half a decade of operations experience.


LWD Engineer Supervisor / Radiation Protection Supervisor - PA, OH, WV, CO, UT, ND, WY, MT, CA, AK, TX

This job is not for the faint of heart - and I loved it. As an LWD Engineer, I travelled on average, 260-280 days a year. I lived and worked on Oil&Gas rigs all over the US. Drilling operations is a fast-paced, high stress job with no room for error. You work 7 days a week, 13-18 hours a day at maximum efficiency and attention to detail. Just 5 minutes of downtime (NPT -Non Productive Time) can catch you the worst butt chewing you've ever had in your life, followed by you "not so nicely" being told to pack your bags and leave. With the amount of money and lives on the line, everyone expects the best. This job made me into the tough skinned, "get the job done at all costs" person that I am today.

In my role, I was responsible for formation evaluation and wellbore placement operations. Also, being Radiation Protection Supervisor meant I was responsible for all nuclear sources on location - Yes, I handled live radioactive sources that will kill you very dead. In my time in the field, I was a member of teams that broke several drilling records across Colorado and North Dakota. I was the fastest promoted to the position of Supervisor in the region, and I was responsible for the training of all junior engineers.

My largest success was probably being part of a team that optimized drilling operations so much that we were generating over $1 million of revenue every 5 days in Wyoming.


MWD Engineer - PA, OH, WV, CO, UT, ND, WY, MT

This is where it all began. Long days, even longer nights, ran in the ground, slightly hazed, and drastically underpaid for the aforementioned priviliges, this is where I learned this about myself - "you're not done until the job is done"

This was my first big job out of college where I went from part-time jobs to full "worm" in the oilfield. The patch has a history of "breaking in the new guy" and I learned I thrive under constant pressure.


Physics TA - Oxford, MS

This one is pretty self explanatory. I proctored some tests, graded some papers, led some physics labs, all in an effort to be paid $5/hr and feed myself ramen noodles.



My Travels

I'm a self taught web designer and I built this page on my free time. Please contact me in the event of any discovered bugs or undesired features. As always, we are nothing without shared knowledge. It is because of the shared knowledge from these resources that I am able to make such a site on my own
Main Parallax image: parallax • Medium RSS feed: Retainable • Map API: Leaflet • Dynamic Website Bootstrap: Bootstrap 4

Kelly Scott Sims - 2020